Lab Freezer Temp. range: (HF2) -10°C to -25°C and (HF3) -25°C to -40°C.

Product ID: HP2 \ HP3
Brand: Esco Lifesciences –Indonesia

Laboratory professionals invest time, money, and hard-work on irreplaceable samples. Once proper storage requirements are not met, these precious samples may be put at risk and eventually lead to sample spoilage and wastage. That is why it is important to carefully choose the cold storage that can assure optimal product protection.
Esco HP Series laboratory freezers are designed for laboratory use offering superior product protection with long-term reliability and exceptional product quality. When superior levels of cold storage performance is needed, the Esco HP series lab freezer is the best choice. Temperature range: HF2 model -10°C to -25°C and HF3 model -25°C to -40°C.
Laboratory freezers are for storage and preservation of non-volatile products such as:
Biological Samples
Culture Media
Pure Cultures