The Mobile Commercial WaterLink® Spin Touch® Includes: Photometer, Instruction Manual, Quick-Start Instructions, 3 Syringes, Calibration Check Disk, USB Cord with USB Wall Adapter in an Upright Carrying Case with foam inserts to hold the meter and accessories. Ideal for 3-Use SpinDisk™ users — SpinDisk™ reagent cartridges sold separately.
Available Test Factors
- Free Chlorine (DPD)
- Total Chlorine (DPD)
- Bromine (DPD)
- pH
- Calcium Hardness
- Total Alkalinity
- Cyanuric Acid
- Copper
- Iron
- Salt
- Phosphate
- Borate
- Biguanide
- Biguanide Shock
Reliable Results
- Virtually Eliminates User-Error
- Pre-Measured Reagents
- Exact Reaction Times and Auto-Blanking
- Meter Calibration Check System
- New 6-Wavelength Photometer
Data Logging
- Stores Test Dates, Times, Results, Location
- No Computer, Smartphone, or Tablet Needed
- Touchscreen Operation
- Communicate through Bluetooth® or USB
Rugged and Portable
- Innovative Water-Resistant Housing
- Internal, Rechargeable Batteries
Mobile Commercial WaterLink® Spin Touch® Meter Specifications
NSF Certification
The NSF/ANSI/CAN 50 certification mark on a water quality testing device (WQTD) used in recreational waters, such as pools and spas, means that the product was reviewed and certified by NSF International to meet applicable American National Standards for product design and performance. NSF tests and re-tests products to confirm that they comply with all requirements of certification for performance, accuracy and operating range.
Go to for a current listing of LaMotte NSF certified products.
Mobile WaterLink® Spin Touch® SpinDisk™ Reagent Cartridge Series
SpinDisk™ Patent No. 8,734,734; FCl Patent No. 8,987,000; TCl Patent No. 8,993,337; FCl EU Patent No. EP2784503 A1
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